World Wide Quilting Page

Question of the Week

Question for the week of May 19, 2003:

Our question this week comes Debra G:

When considering a sampler quilt, are there any "rules" as to which blocks work best with each other or is it the fabrics that keep it cohesive?

Judith :
My feeling is that the colors keep it cohesive. The fabrics can vary and most any block will work, but if your color coordinates, then the quilt will, too.

Shirley P. :
One thing to watch in planning a sampler quilt are the color values. Be sure not to use all dark fabrics, or all light. Value placement really effects pattern design.
Dot B :
My first quilt was a sampler and I was instructed to pick fabrics that went well together,as at the time I did not have a stash but it does not take long and then any block you wanted. Mine were all the same size but I have seen them with different sizes, it is easier to do when they are the same. I have had many compliments on mine, queen size. I learned a lot doing many different applications, and did it all by hand.
An old quilter :
My belief is that samplers came about from using up left over blocks from other quilts. Rather than throw them out they just used them in in a quilt ot themselves. Using a like color to sash, border and bind would pull it together. But this is only one way
Kathy :
I think having a common fabric or a common color scheme is just one way to tie the quilt blocks together. But I think there are other ways. Maybe all stars or some other type of link between the blocks. A sampler could also work with totally different blocks in different colors. I think you could use a common sashing to unify blocks of different styles and fabrics. A sampler is just that, trying out different techniques and styles. That is the way our grandmothers did it, so we could do it that way, too, and find a way for it to work.
Marilyn :
I believe it's the fabrics that keep it cohesive. I made one a few years ago, each block was different, but I kept my fabrics to blues and burgundys, and off-white. It was gorgeous when finished.

 World Wide Quilting Page * Question of the Week