World Wide Quilting Page

Question of the Week

Question for the week of February 15, 1999:

Our question this week comes from Gillian

Does anyone have any warnings or tips on making quilted clothing such as a vest ?

Doris W. :
I took a class on quilted clothing several years ago. I learned that 100%cotton flannel is the best "batting" because it breathes, drapes well, and is not thick. Most traditional quilt batts will just make us "fluffier" than we already are.
We also were cautioned against a pattern that had too many seams or darts (such as princess seams, etc.) The last thing I remember was that when quilting, we should quilt to within 1 to 2 inches of the seam/stitching line, then fill in the balance of the quilting after the seams are sewn.
I've made two hand quilted jackets using these tips I learned and had excellent results!

Gillian :
Thank you to everyone for all the great replies!
Karen :
We did round-robin jackets (5 of us) and it was lots of fun and we learned a lot. It gave us a chance to try 5 different techniques and not worry if it would be "just right". If you do weaving or other loopy work, be sure to tack it down ever 2 or 3 inches. I didn't, and my jacket gets caught on door handles, etc. We make quilts just because we want to try a pattern - do the same with a jacket or vest. You can always give it away and that person will love it.
quiltb :
Having made many garments, I"ve found that muslin works best for the foundation - it is lighter, cooler and drapes much better than any batting - even thermore which I love for small quilts. Of course, wash all fabrics and soak trims in lukewarm water and hang to dry. This allows me to carefully hand wash my garments if the need arises. I have had some fading of hand-dyed silk ribbon on garments - so I would soak in retain before embellishing a garment with the silk ribbons.
Nancy Exline :
Remember to trim, then trim some more. Quilted vests can become very heavy and hot especially along seams. Use lightweight lining and your vest will be more pliable and more comfortable.
Sara :
Before making quilted clothing, consider your figure. Many quilters do not have a critical eye on judging what is attractive on their figure, just what the garment looks like. Do you have a a long torso? Small waist, or large, what is your hip size or bust size. Although it takes some time and thought, it is best to be very honest with ourselves. I have decided to spend my time on "flat" things such as quilts instead of things that need to be fitted to the body.

Brenda Duncan :
Keep the style very simple and use a very lightweight batting because garments can get very stiff and bulky if you're not careful. You would be well advised to prewash fabrics and batting so as to avoid shrinkage and colors bleeding.
Good Luck!
Bunky sparks :
I find it preferable to use flannel as the batt in garments, as this allows the clothing to retain its drape after quilting. Good luck!

 World Wide Quilting Page * Question of the Week