World Wide Quilting Page

Question of the Week

Question for the week of February 2, 1998:

Our question this week comes from Casady

How do you manage the curves and junctions of the scalloped edges around the wedding ring as you machine stitch the binding onto it

Arlene :
Use a single-fold bias binding that is one and a half inches wide, and join the strips together on the bias. Start on an outer curve and manipulate the binding into place in front of your needle for one to two inches. The trick is to go slowly and just worry about the first inch or so in front of the needle. When you get to the trickier inner curve, you may only do a half-inch at a time before you leave the needle down in the fabric and slightly reposition the quilt so that you're going around the curve smoothly. Bias binding is very stretchy, so you should have no problem smoothing it out with your fingers (don't stretch it too much though.) When you get frazzled or impatient, backstitch and stop for the day. Do not use the "ram and cram" technique if the going gets tedious. Who cares if it takes one day or six days to do a nice, neat job? Time is all we have.

Eirian Thomas :
With great difficulty!!
Judy :
Slow and steady! Use bias binding and an even feed attachment if you have one. (Pfaff has a built-in one which is great). Do not rush, and prepare yourself mentally for fussing a bit. Do it on a day when you're feeling calm and the house is quiet. Mental attitude really makes a difference when you're doing something complicated. Anyone can do anything with preparation and the realization that some techniques will take longer.
Tenna Draper :
Always use bias binding. It works
wonders on curves because it stretches.
The junctions (and by this, I believe
you mean "in between" the curves) is a
tad touchier. Quite honestly, I would
most likely do the entire binding by
hand, but...each to his own. Then those
little corners could be saved till last.
kathy Olsen :
use bias binding and pin well before stitching on the sewing machine

 World Wide Quilting Page * Question of the Week