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Kaffee-Klatsch Quilt Chat
Digest for Wednesday October 20, 1999

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From:  Lisa 
Subject: Teddy Bear Quilt
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 13:19:46 -0500

Wendy, "Quiltmaker" May/June 1996 has a quilt called Peekaboo Bears.  It is
just the head and some of the body peeking around the blocks.  Very cute.
Also their September/October 1998 issue has one called Dancing Bears.  This
one uses bear claw blocks with it.

Good luck and I hope you find what you are looking for.

From: Hwoodquilt 
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 14:23:36 EDT
Subject: Courthouse Steps

One-block quilt is a neat idea.  I once made a Courthouse Steps doll quilt of 
many colors.  Thought it would not only be fun to play with but a good way to 
learn colors.
ALSO I plan to make a PUFF PILLOW for my grand child that is on the way, 
using the colors of the rainbow on one side and the 8 colors of the color box 
on the other.  I had great fun singing the rainbow with my first GD and look 
forward to doing it again.
From: Susan 
Subject: hi
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 14:28:02 -0400

Hello everyone,
I really like getting this digest, thanks Sue T. I took a class in easy
machine quilting thru Greater Hartford Quilt Guild. It was taught by Karen
Pulaski and I learned a lot. We practiced with a walking foot as well as
free motion designs...she encouraged us to challenge ourselves and move
beyond stippling, which is what I'm real comfortable doing. She also
demonstrated an unusual technique that I had never heard of. If she is doing
an applique project, she will make the quilt sandwich without the applique
pieces on it. She will piece the background, layer the batting and backing,
and even quilt it ( by machine of course!). Then the next step is to lay the
applique pieces in place and machine quilt them on! Her work was beautiful.
I intend to try this technique.
Keep quilting,
From: Hwoodquilt 
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 14:31:43 EDT
Subject: Jacks Crib Quilt

Joy  !  Remember in Sept I told you I was making this 3 dimensional 
crib quilt in the Jacks pattern?  Well, it is finished and not perfect but 
much LOVELY!
Can't wait to see the expectant grandchild covered with it and all that love. 
 Just don't feel like talking about the problems I had with it right now.  
Who cares anyway when there is so much good in it.  The baby not due until 
Feb. but you will hear about it then!  :-)  Carol 
From:  John   
Subject: Re: Gunk on rulers
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 16:19:04 -0700

Erinn, two things to try to get rid of the gunk.  1st one is WD40 works great 2nd one is a fresh fabric softener sheets but you have to work on it longer.  If you ever get gunk from your fusible webbing on your iron just iron on the softener sheet.  It works for me.
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 16:24:41 -0500
Subject: .

One of the first sited I found after connecting to the internet the end
of 97' was Kaffee-Klatsch. Ididn't subscribe right away but when I did I
was so pleased to have all these quilting friends. Even when i didn't
have the time to put my 2 cents worth in you were still all there. The
last time i wrote i believe was in May of 98", since then much has
happened, yes, my daughter did get married and I thank everyone for the
great ideas of what to do with the scraps of fabric left over from the
bridesmaid dresses I made.

The week after the wedding I took my mother in for a lung biopsy which
turned out to be positive. Her sister in law volunteered to take mom in
to start her "chemo". This was moms 3rd bout of cancer. Cervical cancer
in 68", breast cancer in 91". As an only child I had always gone along
with mom's sister in laws help with mom. Mom was 80 and her sister in
law about 10 years younger. Mom had always been very independant and
capable. Until I was 13 sh had been a single mother. Anyway due to other
medical problems mom ended up in ICU just from the sedative before the
chemo. At that time I found out from the Dr. that he felt the lung
cancer came from the breast cancer because mom didn't take the tomoxifen
he prescribed. When mom got out of ICU I found out it was because her
sister in law told her that(pharmasist told them tomoxifen was a
combination of hormones)shewas 73 yr. old and didn't need to be taking
hormones at her age and at about $100 a month she couldn't afford it!
Mom was given 6mo. to live(Xmas) so we moved her in with us with hospice
care. She began taking the tomoxifen. She did such a turnaround that
Xmas came and went and after Easter we moved her to an assisted living
apartment so she and we could have a little more privicy. She did good
until July 4 when her leg was giving her a lot of pain and we found out
the cancer had spread to her bones.We then moved her to a nursing home
and she was adjusting quite well and was wearing a morphine patch to
control the pain. On July 27th she passed away in her sleep. She's a
peace now but I must share with you all.I feel there was on e other
cause to my mothers death, that was "Ignorance". One being my mother and
her sister in laws ignorance of there being more hormones than the male
and female hormones. The Dr. and my ignorance that just because someone
is very capable and independent and says that they understand what is
going on and happening,do they really? Why didn't I ask more questions
of mom or the Dr.? Why didn't the Dr. question mom more about why she
was refusing treatment. Why didn't he contact me, as next of kin(I was
listed in her medical records)when mom refused treatment? It's too late
for me but not all of you. If you are elderly or maybe not so elderly,
involve a child or close friend that will ask questions, go with you to
your Dr. appointments. If you have an elderly parent, just because they
can live on their own , drive, shop, manage their finances does not mean
they can understand all health concerns. Please excuse me for not
sticking to the subject of quilts, but I had to let everyone know so se
all can continue quilting for many more years and to beable to teach
future generations. Of which the end of next March our youngest that got
married in 98" will be making us granparents for the 1st time.
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 15:42:34 -0700
From: Betty  
Subject: (no subject)

Hi, everyone,
Lots of KK digests to catch up on, as I just got back from Toronto,
Kingston and Ottawa.  Beautiful fall colours!  (Must finish that "autumn
leaves" quilt I started last summer!)  Thanks again to the member who
told me about the quilt shops in Kingston.  Although I didn't get to see
them (not enough time), I did go to four quilt shops in Toronto (thanks
to my dear niece).

Thanks to LIN for sharing your experience when joining a guild.  I felt
exactly the same (warm welcome and then....nothing).  It's difficult to
get to know people when you only see them once a month, and of course,
the more one gives of one's self the more one gets out of life (or quilt
guilds).  It was easier to feel a part of my local guild, which meets
every two weeks.

Currently, I have a mystery quilt to catch up on (missed the beginning
because of being away) as well as the first "round" of the Canadian
Round Robin, not to mention Christmas gifts and other fun stuff.  Two
classes which are coming up soon are a nativity calendar and a garden
trellis.  The nativity calendar is all foundation paper piecing, so I
hope to become somewhat more skilfull in that technique.

Cheers, and talk to you soon,
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 05:36:34 -0400
From: deborah 
Subject: searching for a machine

I am still trying to help my friend find a good used Bernina sewing
machine.  I see from some of the posts that there are shops you all are
referring to, if these shops might have used Bernina's would someone
please send me the address and or phone number or e-mail address?  She
is looking preferrably for a 930.  Basically, not a computerized model.
She has set a price range at under $700.  Anyone have one in the closet
collecting dust?
Thanks alot
From:  Ann  
Subject: World Wide Quilt Page
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 18:26:00 -0600

I am really enjoying the kaffee-klatsch page.  I look forward to it each day.  I have one question.  What has  happened to the World Wide Quilt Page?  I keep getting the message, "This page cannot be displayed"  I am not real sharp on the computer so maybe I am just entering it wrong.  Thanks for you help.  Ann
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 20:11:11 -0400
From: Elaine  
Subject: RE: Square in a Square

Welcome back Kaffee-klatsch, I really missed you and all the wonderful
information and tips I gather.  My questions to all is, has anyone tried
the Square in a Square technique by Jodi Barrows?  I have been reading
about it but before I purchase would like to find out if others have
tried this technique and how they like or dislike it.
Elaine in flooded Florida
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 20:36:39 -0600
From: Deanne 
Subject: searching for fabric

I usually just lurk around and read the great notes but tonight I am
looking for some fabric.  It is Cuddle Prints designed by Sandi Gore Evans
for Fabri-quilt...it is a small cowboy print saying yippie ki yo
with a red border.  I need 1 panel to make matching quilts for my
grandsons.  I should have made the 1st quilt before the second was on the
Also to Barbara in wet Canada...if you looking for Trader's Resource
that was a quilting trade letter it has been changed to Seagull Quilts
Trading News (SQTN)  72 Elmwood Ave.  East Aurora, NY 14052
It's hard to get it all together...but together we have it all.
From: Socrissie 
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 23:30:20 EDT
Subject: I've got a question......

Does anybody have the software "Clipart for Quilters CD"? By Quiltime, I've 
had this CD for a long time and cannot get it to work for me. Can anybody 
help me?  
I really enjoy reading all the posting this is such a great group, but aren't 
all quilters the best? 
Create Tomorrow By What You Dream of Today....

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