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Kaffee-Klatsch Quilt Chat
Digest for Wednesday, September 22, 1999

Welcome to all our new members!
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Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 19:49:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rene  
Subject: KK various stuff

Hi all, as far as Doreen Speckman, geeze, life is so
precious, I think she was the one who hosted those
lovely cruises (I was saving for one someday...)  I
hope it's not so, but life's precious.  Let us know if
there is a donation fund...

Saw Alex Anderson's show this morning "simply quilts"
which had Debbie Mumm on it, and she had her cute
smowmen and mittens, did a quick easy quilt with
squares of her snowman prints and matching size
snowball blocks, and used her 'mittens' fabric on
border, that would be something cute and easy for
x-mas giveaway..

Almost time for fall, wish Calif. could get some of
that water the east is flooded with, hope all is oK,
if anyone needs stuff please let us know, there's
always red cross donations, but some whole towns are
gone! horrible.

Soon will be time for Pacific International, Quilt in
a Day Julian retreat near San Diego and then our local
quilting Mendocino trip.  Can't wait for it all, I
will be continuing on my quilt in a day pineapple
quilt that I started a year ago at her retreat, but
obviously it isn't even quilt in a year - ha!ha!  who
cares, fun to be with other quilters.  Hope to see
some of you at Pacific Int'l show.  got to head home
from work now.. take care.
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 21:40:38 -0500
From: Pamella  
Subject: Doreen

I have just heard from Libby Lehman that Doreen Speckman has died in 
Ireland.  No further details.  What devastating news.
The best laughs I've ever had came from her lectures at quilt conferences.
My mind is full of visions of her:
leading line dancing in front of the domitory at Quilting by the Lake
pulling out one quilt after another on stage, then casually tossing them in
a pile Peaky and Spike
Our skit for the Australian quilters conference, when she played the statue
of Liberty, and Catherine Anthony and I just had to carry her train to bring the house down.
The world will be much less fun without her.
I will miss her terribly
From: "nona40" 
Subject: big stitch
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 23:54:40 -0500

Barbara, thank you for the information about big stitching.  I am getting ready to quilt a baby quilt for my grandchild who is due in dec and I think I am going to try this method.  I will also make one for the big sister so she doesn't feel left out (although she already has 4 quilts from nanna).  Has any one ever seen any fabric with Barney on it?  She is in love with Barney and I would love to use it in her new quilt.
From: "Linda  
Subject: One more comment on my dye-bled quilt
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 22:49:25 -0700

Hi again.  Not to beat a dead horse, but.....a brief comment about additional suggestions for my quilt with the dye that bled.  Commercial dyeing the quilt has crossed my mind, but I believe that if you could see the colors, you would agree that this quilt is too "modern" for an old-fashioned, tea-dyed look.  The ivory muslin needs to remain light-colored in order to contrast with the other color values. 

I will definitely be trying several suggestions I received--Dye Magnet, Rit Dye Remover, the product from JoAnn's, and peroxide!  Don't be alarmed.  I'm not trying them directly on the quilt, but on a sample I made.  Will give a report when I have tried them all.  Thank you once again!  You guys are TOOOO helpful!

From: Karen  
Subject: machine quilting
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 08:56:22 -0500

Here is another question for those of you who machine quilt.   As I
posted earlier, I attended a class by Harriett Hargrave, quilt shop
owner, author, and lecturer, on machine quilting.  She is such a wealth
of knowledge, and has a trunk full of quilts she has been hauling around
with her, that she machine quilts.  She even keeps track of how many
washings each and every quilt has had.  2 of them, which were beautiful
had been washed, like 72x's!~!!!!  I don't think I have a BLANKET I have
ever washed that many times.    However, my question is......Has anyone
ever successfully tried machine quilting with quilting thread on the top
and bottom or just the top and something other than nylon thread on
either one?    I did on the first quilt I machine quilted 10 yrs ago,
before I had a good machine.  And the tension was awful.  I guess I
should try a foot square piece on my machine.  But I have 4  full to
queen size tops ready to be quilted, and need to get them done.....just
in case the Y2K BUG really does hit in the dead of winter.  So I need to
machine quilt them.  I have done the method of nylon on top for smaller
projects, and gifts......but I guess I still would rather have quilting
thread hold it together.    I'm not sure why, after seeing Harriett's
quilts, that have held up so beautifully to hard use.
Does any one have suggestions?
From: Karen  
Subject: Machines
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 09:08:13 -0500


I'll back you up on having 2 machines,  although I haven't needed the
second one, sometimes my girls sew at the same time, so we don't have to
wait on each other.
I traded my  horrible #!*%$^&*  Singer in for a Viking, and have been
SOO PLeased with it.  But then decided to upgrade only I didn't trade in
my other Viking.  I went looking for a Bernina, but the sales people in
Wichita didn't even know that Bernina had a quilting stitch so I just
left the store.   I got a Viking 500 Computer Sewing machine,  and have
had trouble piecing with it.  It seems to want to shift the top material
to the left of the bottom piece and I have to really watch the fabric
closely, and stop often and reajust.  I took it back to the store and
the guy adjusted it, but it still does it only a little less.   Does any
one have this trouble,  with their Bernina"S???  I need to look and see
if the feeddogs are spaced farther apart on mine, perhaps that is the
cause.  If I could get a good trade in value on this one, I think I'd go
for it.
From:  Karen  
Subject: washing quilts
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 08:45:21 -0500

Hi    I was fortunate enough to go to a class put on by my quilt guild,
by Harriet Hargrave who wrote the book on Machine quilting and also Heirloom
Machine quilting and    From Fiber to Fabric, in which she tells how the
cotton plant gets to the dyed, printed bolt.  Her suggestions in the
book, I found were wonderful.    If you have an Old antique quilt, you
may be afraid to wash.  Put a sheet in the bathtub, then Orvus Paste.  I
live in a rural community and can get this product at the local farm
supply store.  Or it is bottled and sold more expensively AS  "Quilt
Soap" in quilt stores.  put about 1 tsp per bath tub and mix well with
the water (before the sheet goes in, sorry) Then add the sheet and the
quilt and let soak.  After you have rinsed it, the sheet will help you
lift the quilt out  without putting such a huge amount of stress on the
stitches and fabric.  It will probably take 2 people to lift if it is a
bed size quilt.   The other piece of advice was that most dyes are so
much better today than a few years ago that prewashing of fabrics is not
necessary.  I love working with the stiffness of the sizing in the
fabric off the bolt.  So I hardly ever wash anything anymore.  However,
I go for the antique old crinkled look myself, and that really helps
achieve it faster,  I also never prewash my batts.   She had about 8
different samples of batts she had quilted. using every combination of
prewashed fabric and batts and unwashed fabric and batts, which were
passed around.  I thought they all looked pretty much the same although,
to her more experienced eye, there was a big difference.
hope this helps.
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 11:41:43 -0400
From: Laurie  
Subject: kosovo quilts

I am very new to quilting and would like to help make quilts for Kosovo
or Timor but do not know anyone in the Rochester, NY area who is doing
this. Does anyone know someone I can contact? - Laurie
From: ilona 
Subject: Glad to be aboard
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 13:07:56 -0400

When I subscribed to Kaffee-Klatsch and nothing came in my e-mail I wondered
what was going on.  I was delighted a few days to see it on my e-mail list.
I have been enjoying all the chat about quilting and now that the weather is
cooling off I will be able to work in my sewing room comfortably.  I have
been quilting for years, made a quilt for each of my grandchildren (5), and
several others.  I have several in different stages of construction.  I sew
up wall hangings off and on, but they end up in my closet......I like to do
up quilts, then they are ready for cool nights if needed.  I work parttime
and will be glad to see the end of October - really busy at work and getting
a Navy reunion all set for the end of October in Louisville.  I have 5
children, all grown and off on their own.  Husband still works and we talk
constantly of retirement.  Ilona in cool - lovely fall weather.
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 17:39:59 -0400
From: Linda 
Subject: Holloween Pattern

Thanks to everyone who found the "sunbonnet" holloween pattern.  I think
I can order back issues thru QNM..will check..naturally that is probably
the only quilt magazine I don't subscribe to. ha.  thanks again. Linda
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 18:20:40 -0400
From: Stephanie 
Subject: Thanks!

Hey, thanks everybody for the great ideas for my 1930s apple-green
kitchen wall. WOW! I have so many good ideas now, it's going to be hard
to settle on just one. I'll let you know what I come up with!

(whose classes at the U started today, and I have lots of great
From: "Linda  
Subject: RE: Sewing machine brands
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 18:16:22 -0700

RE: Susan's comment about sewing machines
    "Viking and Bernina are my favorites for quilting, Elnas for embroidery. 
Pfaff was bought out by Singer a few years back and it's quality went down fast."

I just read in the paper last week that Pfaff/Singer has declared bankuptcy.


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