Quilt Guilds in the South West United States


Please use our online form to add your guild to our page.

Need to update your guild's information already on the WWQP. Please e-mail us at GuildUpdateSW@quilt.com. Be sure to include the state and the guild name in the subject of your message.

Arizona Quilters Guild


The Arizona Quilters Guild is a statewide guild with over 1200 members. We are divided into 35 chapters which meet in all areas of the state. We have an annual quilt show in March and a small quilt auction in November. If you would like further information send an SASE to:
Arizona Quilters Guild
% L. Drizigacker
4040 E. McDowell Road, Suite 212
Phoenix, AZ 85008
or call (602) 220-9889. The office is manned only on thursdays but there is an answering machine to take messages.

Tucson Quilters Guild


Meets the second Wednesday of every month at 9:00 am at St. Frances Cabrini Church, 3201 E. Precidio, Tucson.

Please join us as we learn about quilting from nationally known speakers as well as members of our own guild. We have our annual quilt show the third weekend of January.

E-mail to Meg Silvern at reidart@primenet.com for more information.

 World Wide Quilting Page * Quilt Guilds Southwest