WWQP Classifieds Posting Form

For Sale Ads

To post your ad fill out the form below.

Please, quilting and other textile related ads only.
We do not sell cars, computer equipment, etc!!

All BUSINESS ads must be posted to the Business Ads page - Business ads placed on the For Sale page will be deleted!!!!!

Classified Ad Guidelines

Please read before placing an ad!

The Classifieds are for quilters around the world to buy, sell, trade, and advertise free of charge.

The WWQP has the right to

The WWQP accepts no responsibility for customer satisfaction. All dealings are between the person placing the ad and the person responding to the ad.

E-mail Address:
Be sure to include "http://"
Classified Ad - 50 words or less, please:

 World Wide Quilting Page * Classifieds